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School Board Week Ahead

3 meetings!

County Week Ahead

8 meetings before 5:00, out of 18. Public input not wanted - or for that matter, other county board supervisor input.

City Week Ahead

14 meetings before 5pm, out of 24. Sending a very, very strong message that the public is generally unwelcome.

Day Center Update: City Version

This is the update the CDBG committee got on the day center last night. This update is from the city's point of view, perhaps a bit different than you hear from Lynn Green or Joe Parisi.

Funding Nonprofits: Great Services vs. Strong Administration

So, the discussion about who will do street outreach services for homeless people is my example here, but you can apply it to the day center service providers, the Housing Help Desk (county housing services) and the coordinated intake system (for homeless services) too. What would you prefer? Great services, right? What win's RFP's (Requests for Proposals) or grant funding battles? The perception of how strong your administrative skills are or the perception of the strength of your organization. i.e. the larger organizations.

Police Policy: A few issues to think about

On January 7th, I testified about what issues the police policy committee should talk about. After being cut off by the chair, but allowed to speak by the body (1st person not held to three minutes, and only 2 or 3 people spoke), I was asked to put my testimony in writing (yeah, cuz I have time for that). I did . . . but then couldn't figure out who to send it to, so it sat in my computer until yesterday when I sent it to the committee members I could find an email address for and one of the staff I had an email for, but not the primary staff cuz I couldn't remember his name or find it quickly. Remember, they are meeting tonight, notice came out on Monday.

School Board Retreat Saturday

Agenda came out yesterday. Yeah, 2.5 days notice . . . you know how I feel about things like that. These bodies make it near impossible for them to get media coverage or to have public engagement.

Who Cares About a Room Tax Commission?

You do, you might just not know it, yet. They will be deciding where $3.8M of the $5.5M (or more) in room taxes collected will be spent.

District 11 Alder? Get the Job without an Election?!

dist 11 If you live in District 11, listen up. In just a few weeks, the City Council will be deciding who your Alder is until next Spring!

City Council Recap (Live-ish)

You'll get what you get . . . a slightly less detailed version, unedited. You get what you pay for.

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight

Not cancelled. Possible Absences: Ald. Barbara McKinney, Ald. Amanda Hall

Thursday: Police Policy and Mental Health

Another Stolen Post: Thanks Nino Rodriguez!