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County Board Budget Amendments – Personnel and Finance Recap

Part one today, the rest on Wednesday. These were all capital budget amendments.

(No Link) City Week Ahead

I'm a little concerned after last week that even when you think you know what the agenda is, a committee may or may not act on something on the agenda and if you are concerned they may take action, you better show up. That partial bus fare increase last week shook my confidence a bit. Here's what I think is coming up this week.

Additional City Meetings

They missed a few again this week - here are the meetings hey added after Monday morning at 8 am.

County Week Ahead

16 meetings, 1 cancelled, 5 before 5:00.

Hariah H. Hutkowski Wants Your Money!

And he wants as much of your taxpayer money as he can get his hands on. If you live in Sun Prairie...

Tea Party Rally (Counter Rally) on Saturday

It's amazing how many people forwarded this to me . . . they must be casting a very wide net to get people there. But I'm not sure it's the people they want there. How much will we outnumber them by this time?

Leaf, Brush, Pumpkin Pick Up

Corrected press release . . . . given yesterday's weather there isn't much time!

BREAKING NEWS: Lawsuit Filed Against City on Edgewater

I gotta say, he'd have been a fool not to. Just got off the phone with the person who filed . . .

Snow Updates From the City

What is that white stuff out there?

Tenants Have Rights in Foreclosure!

Hmmm . . . I didn't have much/anything to do with this, but its good info to know!

15 Ballots to Elect A City Council President

So, you may have already read this on my facebook, but in case you haven't . . . this was crazy, it took an hour and 40 minutes. Don't say I didn't warn you . . .

County Primary Week Ahead

A few county board primaries this week.