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City Week Ahead

Here is, a little slow this morning . . .

A Brief Update on Two New Anti-Tenant Laws

This week there were two new anti-tenant bills that have been circulating up at the capitol. This is a brief update on what I know so far . . . subject to more investigation and interpretation! These will affect not just Madison and Dane County - this one affects ALL Wisconsin tenants!!!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

4 meetings - including a discussion about public input . . .

Soglin’s Thoughts on State St.

I attended a meeting with the Capital Neighborhoods neighborhood association and heard Paul Soglin's thoughts on State St. I didn't take my super detailed notes, only whatever I could type on my smart phone, but here's a summary - on a wide range of issues.

Progressive Dane Garden Party

Will you be there?

City Lobbying Priorities for next State Legislative Session

For some very good reasons, I did not make it to the meeting yesterday where the alders gave their input into this agenda. But here it is . . . do you see anything missing?

City Week Ahead

A little unusual this week.

Free Camping in Dane County Parks!!!

I must have missed the resolution, but it appears that there is now free camping in Dane County Parks - perhaps its just a little celebration of Earth Day?

TIF . . . Change our Policies or Not?

The Economic Development Commission recommended a bunch of changes last spring, the council created an ad hoc committee which has been meeting since July to review the recommendations and it seems they are contemplating some changes, but maybe not all those recommended by the Economic Development Commission . . . lets catch up with that conversation. Is the candy store wide open with no one there to guard it? Or are the EDC recommendations falling a little flat.

No Link Tuesday City Week Ahead

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 8:30 AM SUSTAINABLE MADISON COMMITTEE 25 S PINCKNEY ST - Discussion regarding encouraging alternative modes of transportation (no link) 12:00 PM MADISON BOARD...

More Cut Backs to Homeless Storage!


Police Department Pushes for More in the Budget

I'm sure its no coincidence that the Mayor's memo and the police department memo came out in the same day, but the police seem to completely ignore the mayor's request for a 6% cut, as usual. Cuz, you know, they're special, they get whatever they want. Which is a compromise of only 20 more officers (instead of 34) and millions more for their training facility cuz they botched the original budget.