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County Board Responds: Transparency and Public Participation

I got a pretty poor showing, only 4 of the 37 county board supervisors bothered to respond, and I can only reprint 3 of them. I gotta say, no surprises there. The trend seems to be going completely in the opposite direction.

City Week Ahead

Only 11 meetings, but I know there are some missing - like the Task Force on City Government Subcommittee (oh, the irony) that meets on Friday at 2. There are also three other meetings in legistar with no agenda. So at least 25% of the meetings aren't yet noticed. Council meeting this week and I guess we'll see what else - look for Mo' Meetings!

Community Meeting on Latest Officer Involved Shooting

Alder Rummel will be having a neighborhood meeting on Monday . . .

In 13 days . . .

City Budget Community Meeting!

Council Budget – Part III

After midnight, still on the capital budget - only made it through 12 amendments so far . . . 30 or more are left to go through . . .

County Week Ahead

Meetings at noon, 2pm, 8:30pm, 3:45pm, 7am, 9am and most of the rest are on Thursday night before the board meeting and most of the Board agenda is on the Personnel and Finance Committee agenda 45 minutes before the board meeting.

Want to Influence How the City Deals with Homelessness

Now is the time, this is the place.

County Week Ahead

1:30?, 9:00?, 11:30? noon?, 11:30?, 3:00? Are these times you have available during the week to participate in your local government processes? By the time things get to the county board, its too late.

County Budget Recap

Here's the info on the meetings I attended regarding this year's county board budget. I'll be live streaming the Personnel and Finance meeting again tonight . . . and hopefully both nights next week.

TODAY: Clean Air Action Day

The City has declared one for today, here's why and what it means: WHAT HAPPENS City Agencies – Please implement your actions plans for tomorrow. PLEASE NOTE:...

Today’s WTF?! Moment

Remember way back when . . . we had just elected a Mayor and County Executive that said they understood and were going to do something about poverty. Do you remember last April? (yes, a mere 5 months ago) Based on the way the budgets are going, at the moment it seems as tho they have forgotten those campaign promises. But even when it comes to non-budgetary items . . . it seems the message has not gotten through, check this out.

City Week Ahead!

1 meeting. Just one.