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Brief Uber/Lyft Update (Updated)

This is on the EOC agenda for tonight (that came out yesterday) and was at the Public Safety Review Commission Tuesday.

LEGISTAR County Week Ahead!!!

I'm not sure if there is anyone in the universe more excited about this than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion about Madison Policing, without Koval

The Common Council Organizational Committee's agenda yesterday "Discussion of issues surrounding the community and the Madison Police Department" was held. Chief Koval apparently couldn't be bothered to show up. Neither could any of his supporters.

County Week Ahead

4 meetings after 5:30 - including public hearing on Human Services Budget

75% of the City Week Ahead?

Only 3 meetings before 4:00. Only 5 meetings after 5:30.

OIR Report on Policing in Madison (live-ish – final)

This is a summary of what I heard, but I recommend reviewing the powerpoint and watching it for yourself for the pieces I glossed over.

Dane County Committees Hear About Equity Initiative

Tuesday night I went to this meeting hoping that Dane County might come up with something better than what the city did. I quickly realized that since its the same staff at the Joint Public Health Department, it was going to be the same process and likely would have the same underwhelming results. But then, I quickly became annoyed for another reason which you know about if you read my Facebook page.

Capital Budget Amendments at Board of Estimates

Discussions were a little over 2 hours, including public testimony. 17 amendments. And the capital budget is done now until November. Hope you didn't blink, it's pretty much over. The most time was spend on the (lack of) a daytime resource center for the homeless - supported by advocates and the business community and proposed by Alder Palm. And of course, the amendment failed due to the city/county struggle over who pays.

County Week Ahead


Homelessness as a protected class . . .

While the Economic Development Commission waivered between being confused about why this issue was before them and just not understanding in general, it is...

Plan Commission Hostility to Hearing from the Public?!

So, long story short. The city wants to put a bike path through the back of the Tiny House Village, removing 6 of the 9 houses. There could possibly be some additional land given to the village - and we could put 6 houses there - but that a crap ton of work for a volunteer group of people to do just to come out even. We've been talking to the city, nothing has been settled on and yesterday, this issue popped up on the plan commission agenda, much to our surprise! What happened next was even more surprising.

County Week Ahead

11 of 21 (52%) meetings before 5:00. You are now only half a citizen, cuz you are only allowed to participate in democracy half the time.