Mo’ Mo’ Meetings
Well, I didn't post more yesterday, and didn't think to look this morning, but . . . there's quite a few more, despite it being Thursday . . .
Judge says “Yes” to Free Lisa, One More Hurdle!
Update! Please call Sara Wasserberg, Lisa's PO, at the Probation and Parole office and tell her to #FreeLisa. (608) 273-5800:
Dane County Office of Equity and Inclusion
During the budget there were several amendments creating this office, but this is the first I have seen of any kind of comprehensive description of what it all means. The Equal Opportunities Commission will be discussing this tonight (5:30 Room 421, City-County Building)
Hands Off Lisa Mitchell!
This is truly absurd. Solitary confinement for EIGHT MONTHS due to her gender identity. You guessed it, right here in Dane County!...
JDS Needs a REAL Equity Analysis
Equity Analysis isn't a one and done kind of thing, its an iterative process. At least that is what I learned at the Parks Committee meeting I went to. So, I'm wondering, what would it take to do a real equity analysis on Judge Doyle Square - how do we get it done?
2 Homeless Deaths this Weekend
Mo’ meetings . . .
I grow tired of this silly game . . .
County Week Ahead
2 of their 13 meetings cancelled this week
City Week Ahead
18 meetings, 4 of them cancelled already. Expect mo' meetings to pop up today, tomorrow and maybe Wednesday!
A Game Changer for Equity Efforts?
Wow. Sad news for the City, but an opportunity for sure! Definitely Madison's College's gain.
Racial Equity Tool Revealed!
So, we've been talking about equity lens and tools for quite some time, and they did a practice run on and equity analysis on the public market (I have to admit I didn't look at that til now). But this is the first public explanation of the equity analysis tool that I have seen on a city agenda. It's the first time I saw the tool and questions (long form, short form) I probably missed the public market one because their agendas come out late every week and I don't always go back and look.
1st Substantive City Police Policy Review Meeting
I hope I don't have to eat my words, but this committee looks promising! They are going to be discussing what their priorities and workplan should look like for the next year at their next meeting, so mark you calendars now if this issue is important to you! They meet 1st Thursday of the month at 5:30.