Home Media Page 92


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Advisory Referendum on $10.10 Minimum Wage

Thursday at the County Board.

Eight ideas for a snowy day

Apropos of nothing, here are a couple of ideas that could make life better for the less well-off in Madison. It is by no means exhaustive, nor is it meant to be a list that solves all problems. Not everyone is going to like all of them, so it’s worth reminding folks that Brenda is not the only person who blogs here, so don’t go blaming her for these.

City Week Ahead

December! You'd never know it.

Tony Galli – updated

We brought the recent story of WKOW, and their employee Tony Galli, making the Bradley Foundation's day and attacking a local elementary art teacher....

Police and Parks Department Should Follow the Law!


Overture Round Up (Updated!)

This is one of the many meetings I didn't make it to last night, but here's some of the information you might be interested...

You gotta be kidding me . . .

Madison Prep wants another vote in February. Smells like an elections stunt to me. I really wish instead of cramming their ideas...

Mo’ Meetings!

So, I really thought the days of having to make these posts was over . . . .no so!

County Week Ahead

Their final Personnel and Finance Committee meetings on the budget are Wednesday and Thursday nights.

JDS: Do our Ethics Laws Mean Nothing?

I was blown away to find out Mo Cheeks, the Pro Tem (Vice President), of our Common Council works for Kevin Conroy, the President and CEO of Exact Sciences and Ton Still, an influential cheerleader of the project, and he never bothered to disclose it - or recuse himself from the Judge Doyle Square discussions?

Soglin’s Anti-Poverty Plan

Pat Schneider did a good article on Soglin and his anti-poverty plan. The Mayor is sounding a little defensive, which is a bummer,...

JDS: Option 1? 2? Or None?

Staff recommendations are out and the Board of Estimates will be voting on what to do tonight . . . of course, its scheduled for closed session . . . like it always is . . .