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5 Things You Can Do TODAY to Help Tenant Resource Center

It's budget time, Tenant Resource Center is losing $90,000 from the county, which is 1/3 of our budget and it will destabilie the entire...

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Not much . . . unless the go into the committee of the whole and talk about the operating budget . . . but they didn't put that off the agenda for discussion. ?!

Kiss Open Government Goodbye . . .

Or do something about it, your choice! (Of course, if you don't live in Dane County your voice is especially needed!)

Submitted County Budget Amendments (So Far – Operating)

This year they have to get the amendments in by 10am the day before the meeting they are considered so the public has a fighting chance of knowing what is going on. Be careful tho, often the consider amendments at two meetings and some committees won't let you speak twice - so check that out before you speak and find out if they are doing a two meeting process or getting it done in one and done. The committees vary.

Day Center Updates

It's in front of two committees tonight meeting at the same time in different parts of town.

Mo Meetings

4 changes since yesterday, including adding the ALRC (Alcohol License Review Committee)!

County Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget season

City Week Ahead

Judge Doyle Square and budget season.

Community Policing and Body Camera Report and Recommendations

As reported to the EOC . . . which recommended that they needed more information before making a final recommendation on body cameras and did not accept the report of the committee.

New County Board Supervisor Sworn in Tonight!

Surprise! Here's the press release and a few thoughts:

Seriously People?! (Mo’ Meetings)

Is this the best we can do? 48 hours and 18 minutes notice on a meeting about community policing and Body Camera Ad Hoc Committee? You gotta be freakin' kidding me. What kind of a public process is this? Certainly not "robust" in any sense of the word.

Mayor has Questions on JDS and Exact Sciences

Well - at least it looks like he is trying to be responsible with our tax dollars. Hope its not just all a song and dance.