Home Media Page 93


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Redistricting Begins Here!

At the local level . . . yup, it's your favorite time of the (every 10) years. County Board seeking you input.

Mo’ Meetings

31 wasn't enough, here's three more, and they're sure to add more yet this week.

County Board Budget (Rubber Stamp the Secret Deal) Meeting

I'm guessing 45 minutes, an hour tops. They only spent 50 minutes rubber stamping the magical mystery deal at Personnel and Finance and since them I think some more deals were made . . . so . . . speeches about how hard they work and patting themselves on the back and get out of here quick to go get a drink . . . that's my prediction. Done by 8:00.

County Week Ahead

16 meetings - but County Board is scheduled to meet every night this week and I'm guessing that won't happen!

City Week Ahead

31 meetings, 2 cancelled. They will likely add meetings yet this week as well.

Join TRC Tonight to Celebrate 35 Years of Service

A little, just a little, ironic. 5 - 7, Brink Lounge (701 E Washington Ave), check out all our silent auction items (catalogue below)...

County Budget Debate: Personnel and Finance

They debate their final recommendation to the county board. Details of what is "on the table" are here. They have two charts...

County Budget: What survived? What didn’t.

The super-amendment is out . . . you can't testify any more on the county budget, but now is when the real decisions are being made. Here's what made it in the budget and what didn't based on all the committee work and some amendments we have never seen. Typically this is a done deal going into Personnel and Finance . . . and rubber stamped by the board.

Good, no GREAT! news from the Salvation Army

For single women . . .

City Budget Night Recap – Part II

Ok, see part one here.

City Budget Night Recap – Part I

It's brief . . . cuz I'm sick. And watching from home on my couch.

Public Input on City Budget Tonight

5:30, Room 201 in the City-County Building - 5 minutes on Capital Budget, 5 minutes on Operating Budget.