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Downtown Placemaking: The Power of 10

The Power of 10 is an idea developed and promoted by the Project for Public Spaces: http://www.pps.org/articles/the-power-of-10/ From the Project for Public Spaces web site: “At the...

Additional City Meetings

I stopped doing these cuz they make me mad . . . the "week ahead" is a farce. There are typically 4 - 10 additional meetings that pop up during the week and you have to do these daily to keep up. Here's the 4 meetings that showed up yesterday, there will likely be more this week.

Open Letter:Who Serves 5,564 clients who’s services have been cut?

Please ask the county board and County Executive, what happens to people who had their services cut in the county budget.

City Week Ahead

Only 6 meetings after 5:00 this week, 2 at 4:30, the rest are at such accessible times as 12:15, 10, 11, 1:30, 2:30, 12:30, 1:30 and 11:30. 3 meetings in legistar not on the clerk's schedule, 2 missing agendas. Task for on Music and Equity is talking about policing, Room Tax Commission is looking at 2019 budget, Transportation Committee reviewing 122 State St. Hotel, Triangle Neighborhood Meeting and Police Policy Review Committee continues making recommentations.

Happy New Year City Week Ahead

Well, lets hope this year is better!

City and County Housing and Homelessness Updates

Last night the Homeless Issues Committee met - and they got updates and presentations on the County Affordable Housing Fund, the City Affordable Housing Fund, the Street Outreach Program as well as City and County Budgets, the homeless day resource center, Messner's site proposals for affordable housing, and the proposal to place a portapotty downtown for people sleeping outside - plus they talked about their priorities for the upcoming year.

A Drug(store) Problem in Cottage Grove…

The Cottage Grove Planning Commission recently approved the plans for the new CVs/caremark in Cottage Grove, "with almost no debate." ...

Move Your Car or Get Towed (Tonight and Tomorrow, Day and Night)

And tomorrow night and Friday. I hope you dug your car out or paid to park in the garage.

I hate this last minute slimy campaign crap . . .

Seriously! When overly exuberant kids on campus do this crap its one thing you might overlook, when people who have been around politics for...

Crazy Inappropriate

Sometimes, the good ol' boys give you a gem . . . Tonight, at the James Madison Park Surplus Committee, they elected a new...

Taking on City Hall!

Yeah . . . learn how!

Tonight the Council Will Talk About . . .

Not much. Not much on the agenda since they just met last week. The only thing I expect to be talked about is the "thank you".