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Put Our Transportation Problems on the Radar!

According to WISDOT, the next State budget will have $680 million more in planned transportation spending than is projected to come in from gas...

Mayor’s Budget Hearings Start Next Week

He really wants you input, so he's giving you plenty of notice of the meetings that start Monday and holding them in a month where the most people can attend.

Downtown Plan: Input Needed

Not just by those who live and make money downtown, but by everyone who uses it! Input sought by the end of the...

Transportation Budget up for Vote on Friday…

Late Update: Most transportation issues have been pushed off until next week.  JFC ended up passing a motion with reduced cuts to the Stewardship...

Round Up Returns!

Tenant Resource Center (TRC) 30th anniversary fundraisers are done, TRC seminars are done, TRC awful budget options are done, Social Justice Center big event to unveil the Nan Cheney Community Room is done . . . now, more time for blogging. The round up returns! (Actually, one more event for TRC, the one year anniversary of our Milwaukee office. December 3rd, 5 - 7, Pabst Brewery.)

Judge Doyle Square Update

At least what they were willing to divulge in open session in about a half hour. I was surprised they did anything in open session, since it was noticed for closed session.

County Week Ahead

Relatively few meetings . . .

Dane County Board Recommendations on Racial Equity

Here's the report and a quick summary of the recommendations.

County Board Week Ahead

Wow, the list of committees is not very helpful . . . since they are really meetings of subcommittees of the committees listed.

City Still Making Money by Towing Your Car

West side and Willy St.

The Landmarks Commission’s Dilemma

When is it appropriate to say a building should be saved? And when is it too late? And how to the give their opinion about something if they don't have it before them?

First Community Conversation about the Budget

Was more about how to improve the conversation, and not much of a conversation.