Home Media Page 96


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Police to Clear Homeless at 5:00 10/1

Police announce plans to sweep homeless from the city-county building. Will it be necessary, probably not. People will just find a new place to go and create annoyances elsewhere - until they are swept out of their new locations. Our city is absurd. Can we just work to solve the problems instead of moving them?

Follow the Money on Judge Doyle Square

Who stands to profit here. Who's making money on the deal? And who's losing? Spoiler alert: this is a sucky deal for taxpayers.

Capital Budget Amendments! Part II

Looks like there will be a part 3 or 4 as well . . . 7 hours and 15 minutes meeting. Here's everything but the capital budget and capital budget part 1. But I have 4 hours left to go and I won't finish this morning.

It’s Redistricting time! Already

County Board subcommittee has been meeting for months already!

Capital Budget Amendments!

Well, I'm staying til its time for the game to start and I'll have to do the rest in the morning . . ....

Board of Estimates Brief Recap

Took a while to get quorum . . . . they pass items 1, 2,3, 5, 6 and 9, 4 and 10 were requested to be separated and the rest had registrants. And here we go! This one will be everything except the budget.

Capital Budget Deliberations Tonight

That's right, there are amendments to the mayor's capital budget and they will be discussed tonight. Here's what you need to know . . .

What you need to know about Judge Doyle Square Vote Tomorrow

Start reading and email your alder! Expect to wait and wait and wait and wait to speak if you plan on speaking. (just email the alders allalder@gmail.com)

(Non) Equity Analysis on Judge Doyle Square

Since this is one of the largest projects in city history and equity is all the rage, you'd think we'd have a proper equity analysis, no? No. Here's what we do have.

County Week Ahead

11 meetings, none on Monday.

City Week Ahead

Capital Budget amendments, Judge Doyle Square vote and more . . .

Day Center: Neighborhood Meeting Notice

I can't believe they pulled this together in 48 hours! Meeting October 7th.