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5 Additions to Weekly Schedule

I thought they did a study and they found this doesn't happen so much . . . . I call bullshit. This is absurd.

Budget Reflects our Values?

Yesterday I tried to speak to the common council about how a budget is allegedly a reflection of our values, and I had concerns that this budget is all about the Overture and Edgewater and not what struggling people in the community need. I asked if that really reflected our values, a luxury hotel and high end arts facility. I wasn't that articulate, I was tired and burned out and emotional about it after working too many hours listening to people's stories with so few answers. Fortunately, Heidi Wegleitner said it much, much better than I, so . . . um, what she said.

Pathetic Round Up

This is kinda why I stopped, there just isn't much . . .

New Mayor and Council City Week Ahead

Change is coming, will it be all that we want it to be?

The City Week Ahead

Sorry, this is a day late, I felt AWFUL yesterday, still not feeling great today . . . sigh . . .

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

I'm not sure who I'm am supporting yet! But, please vote! Maybe even twice! :) The City Clerk’s office will hold a...

17 County Board Members Endorse McDonell as County Exec.

17 of 37, given there are 5 other candidates, and some tough choices, that's kind of impressive.

Moving Tips for Next Weekend

Brought to you by . . . the Tenant Resource Center

Where is that resolution looking into policing policies?

It's been 6 weeks . . . since promises were made.

City Council Staff Member Doesn’t Like the Homeless in the Building

Now I know why the notice for the meeting went out a suspicious 2 days before the meeting . . .

HUD Wants Us To . . . Part I: Prioritize Chronically Homeless for...

HUD wants has some lofty goals of ending homelessness, some communities are taking this task very seriously. HUD is issuing statements about guidance of what they expect to see. In permanent supportive housing, HUD wants us to prioritize chronically homeless persons. Will we?

Parisi Continues Putting His Staff Together

Dane County Executive-Elect Parisi Names New Communications Director/Executive Assistant Joshua Wescott is his Chief of Staff, his campaign manager is now his media person. Casey Slaughter...