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Soglin, Homelessness, and a better Madison for everyone in 2011

A few months back, Paul Soglin linked to a piece about services for homeless people in Ann Arbor. Paul wrote a few lines after the...

Mo’ Meetings

4 more meetings, 3 more agenda items for the council meeting tonight! jfc.

Allied Drive Neighborhood Says Hold On Mayor Dave, We’re Not Done Yet!

Mayor Dave says Madison has no more troubled neighborhoods, and data will prevent future problems. Allied Drive Neighborhood disagrees.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

5 meetings, 4 of them today. They're have a public hearing on the budget, but failed to make the amendments the school board members submitted available?

Gypsy Moth Spraying Starts Today

Watch for those low flying planes. 15 sites in Dane County, 12 in the City of Madison.

Mayor to Council: Midtown and Fire Station Adds $2M in Operating Costs

So who's going to suffer? Check out the bolded statement below. I think we should go to referendum for these projects to increase the levy, instead of continuing to cut elsewhere - there's no fat left to cut. If the public wants these projects, referendum will pass.

County Week Ahead

Wow - 17 meetings, 2 cancelled, 2 missing agendas and meetings at 2:30, 7am, 7:30am, 2:00, 3:00, 3:30, 9:00, 9:00, noon and 1:00 -...

The Voters are Going to Trample the Homeless!

There's a primary in district 2, quick, move the benches! It's a safety issue! Ya gotta be effing kidding me, I couldn't make this shit up. (And yes, call 911, I dropped the F-bomb)

City Citizen Input to be Limited?

I've been hearing rumblings, but yesterday at the Common Council Organizational Committee (CCOC) there was a proposal to reduce the number of committee members...

City Week Ahead

Only a dozen meetings this week, I'm guessing there are several that are missing. However, the 4th week of the month is usually a little light. However, there may be an emergency meeting of the Council on Thursday to pass the union contracts.

Bed Bugs!

Just a new fact of life? Or is there something you can do? WARNING: Reading this may make you itch or creep you out!

City Operating Budget -Parks and Golf Enterprise

Also from Monday night at Board of Estimates.