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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Mayor Caught in a Lie?

During the meetings on the bench ordinance, the mayor spoke multiple times saying some things that made no sense. He also put them...

Responding to Joe’s Form Response on TRC

By now, I've seen Joe's standard politician's mealy mouth cop out response multiple times. I'm encouraging people to persist, email him again, challenging his assumptions.

Common Council Recap (Brief)

This will be live blogged, i.e. not proof read. Some details will be missing. Will be updated infrequently.

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight

Looks like the meeting won't be so long that they need to refer Judge Doyle Square tonight . . . but I understand that they haven't met all the requirements and the council would likely have referred it anyways. Or maybe, just voted it down.

County Board Opening: Supervisor Wuest Resigns


County Public Hearing on Human Service Budget

Tomorrow! 6:00. Come support the Tenant Resource Center! If you can't make it, email parisi@countyofdane.com. Here's the official notice!

Tenant Resource Center REALLY Needs Your Help This Time!

I know this sounds familiar, the county is once again cutting the Tenant Resource Center. $95,000. 1/3 of our budget. And this time, they may have figured out how to make it stick. Please contact Joe Parisi (parisi@countyofdane.com) and tell him this is unacceptable, and to add us back to his budget. And read below for other ways you can help! (i.e. volunteer, sponsor fundraiser, etc.)

County Week Ahead

4 meetings after 5:30 - including public hearing on Human Services Budget

City Week Ahead

Rosh Hashana today and tomorrow, one committee chooses to ignore it, council meeting starts at 7:30 this week.

Mayor’s Office Sucks at Communications

And then makes it your fault. A case in point, last night.

What is wrong with this city?

I was born here, lived in 6 other cities until I was an adult, then I moved back to Madison. I've served for 8 years in our local government, rented for 7 years, owned two different homes here, and have been here nearly 30 years, this is my home. But I don't recognize my city any more.

Mo’ Meetings

Of course . . . sigh . . .