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One Year Stronger, County Week Ahead

Sorry I skipped last week - too busy. It's hard to feel bad tho when most of the agendas are either incomprehensible due to alphabet soup or jammed with reports and updates

City Week Ahead

Only a dozen meetings this week, I'm guessing there are several that are missing. However, the 4th week of the month is usually a little light. However, there may be an emergency meeting of the Council on Thursday to pass the union contracts.

Bed Bugs!

Just a new fact of life? Or is there something you can do? WARNING: Reading this may make you itch or creep you out!

City Operating Budget -Parks and Golf Enterprise

Also from Monday night at Board of Estimates.

Input on Madison Economic Development Plan

I'm not sure what I think of the format, but you should go and give the input.

Snow . . . plowing might be on hold

They may just plow and salt the main street . . . .

Follow the Money on Judge Doyle Square

Who stands to profit here. Who's making money on the deal? And who's losing? Spoiler alert: this is a sucky deal for taxpayers.

Sights and Sounds from Day Three, Political Rallies

I'll keep posting video here as it comes in. Here's what I have at the moment from the WYOU family and friends. Monday, 1,000 people, video here. Tuesday, 10,000 people, video here. Wednesday over 30,000, video below. And today . . . expect more as the UW schools walk out, over 35 area schools closed, Madison holding a rally and special council meeting tonight. Senate votes today. Talking to many of the "old timers", no one has ever seen anything like this.

Election Night Results Follies . . .

Campaign results in local campaigns are usually in within 20 minutes to an hour of the polls closing. Last night, with hardly anything on the ballot . . . it was hours.

Some Light Shed on Sunny’s Numbers

Recently The Herald-Independent columnist and writer for the right-wing "think tank" WPRI, recently "reported" on the state of the Monona Grove School District....

What Committees Will the County Board Cut?

Which ones are they even considering cutting? You can find out here if you can't make the meeting at noon today!

What will the Council talk about Tonight?

2 reconsiderations and extra money for Heartland Housing.