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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Board Of Estimates – Pre-Capital Budget

Since I'm here- this is the short story. Not making any promises here. Half paying attention.

You now have 26.5 Hours to Read the County Budget

It's on line! Public Input on the budget is tomorrow. No worries, its just 1,770 pages to read before tomorrow, and another 248 by...

A few Resolutions Sneaking by . . . .

Good one's for a change, both being voted on today! Both hopefully making it easier on our brothers and sisters without homes. One at the county, one at the city. The city one has a process snag, but should be good.

Am I being dumb?

There's a budget hearing tomorrow night, where the public is expected to give input on Dane County's 2016 budget (everything except Human Services) - but I can't find the agency submissions. Anywhere.

County Week Ahead

It's starting to be all about budget, big budget meeting Tuesday, Public Hearing on Wednesday.

City Week Ahead

12 meetings, 1 meeting after 5:30.

Sat & Sun: Peace Mural, Mosaic and Art!

Come help "art up" the Social Justice Center, painting a peace mural to remember those in the neighborhood who lost their lives to violence - Tony Robinson, Pauly Heenan, SOLVE and more . . . and check out what has already been done!

Why did this happen?

What is the county doing here?

3rd Committee Unanimously Votes Against Bench Ordinance

Slam dunk! 3 for 3. Public Safety Review Committee (should be on 9/10) and Downtown Coordinating Committee (should be on 9/17) are next - they will be much harder. Not expecting unanimous defeat from those. Here's what happened last night.

An Overview of Bus Rapid Transit by Al Matano

I organized an informational meeting on the on the future of transit in Dane County prior to the August meeting of the Dane County...

#HandsOffBrandi! by Nathan Maurer

Brandi Grayson is an outspoken, Black female leader in a growing, community-based social justice movement in our city, and it’s making the white guys in charge unhappy. Recent concentrated attention by the Madison Police Department on Brandi has resulted in what Chief Koval calls “pure coincidence” when explaining why it seems she can’t turn around without finding a squad car in her front yard or a new surprise citation she didn’t know she’d earned. But any clear-eyed person can see; this is just plain legalized harassment.

Chief Koval: Step Out of the Ring by Amelia Royko

Love will prevail for it surpasses all horizons and so will Brandi Grayson.