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What the Council will talk about Tonight!

This is the consent agenda for tonight.

County Week Ahead

Sorry so late, no pressure to get it done before going to work . . . TRC closes when schools do

16,000 Signatures Against the $60 Million Boondoggle

You can sign May 1 - and get your neighbors to sign too! If signatures are collected, the voters will get to decide on TIF projects over $10M.

Blaska/Mahoney’s War on “Illegals”

The recent dust up at LaFollette West, with a LaFollete student got Blaska blathering again . . . or did he, himself, say "whining" . . . .

Results of Jail Resolution Meetings Last Night

The County Health and Human Needs Committee (aka HHN) and the Public Protection and Judiciary Committee (aka PP&J) met last night to discuss the jail resolution and came up with two different conclusions, which will go to the Personnel and Finance meeting on Monday and the full County Board on Thursday.

Operating Budget Amendments by Alders (Updated 2)

Here's what the Board of Estimates will be discussing on Monday.

TRC at Central Park Sessions Thursday!

CPS-Single-logo Hey, hey, hey! Buy your raffle tickets from Tenant Resource Center when you go to the Central Park Sessions this Thursday to see The Silk Road Session July 30th at Olbrich Park . . . did that say Olbrich Park, why yes it did! 5:00 pm– Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble, 6:30 pm— Dengue Fever and 8:30 pm —Hanggai (Inner Mongolia)

Overture vs. Community Services Contracts

I keep hearing the Overture contract will be like the non-profit contracts. Cool . . . lets do it! Give us the same deal!

County Executive Candidates want YOU to Know!

Ok, I've probably just been to too many of these events to be anything but critical . . . but this isn't really what I expected to hear in the first 3 minute opening statements of the County Executive Candidates. They seemed odd to me. What do you think?

County Week Ahead

3 meetings - 2 at noon or before, one at 6:30pm.

Some Light Shed on Sunny’s Numbers

Recently The Herald-Independent columnist and writer for the right-wing "think tank" WPRI, recently "reported" on the state of the Monona Grove School District....

What Committees Will the County Board Cut?

Which ones are they even considering cutting? You can find out here if you can't make the meeting at noon today!