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Mayor’s Moratorium on Food/Drink/Alcohol Establishments in Downtown

This will be discussed tonight at the Plan Commission, Wednesday at ALRC and Thursday at Downtown Coordinating Committee. Question is, does anyone but the mayor think this is a good idea? Or necessary?

45 Years of Fair Housing!

And yet, the top discrimination that occurs in Dane County is consistently based on race, disability and family status. We've come a long...

County Week Ahead

Only 11 meetings . . .

Madison Schools Week Ahead


Not in the News Round Up

About a weeks worth had piled up . . . so here it is in a separate post. Pssst. This is the good news portion of the blog usually. :)

12 minute Finance Committee Recap

Item 2 (Anesis Center funding for mental health case management and community programming for Southeast Asision elders and individuals with mental health needs) was referred to the next meeting, more time was spent getting the mayor a pen (he had his tire gauge instead) than anything else.

City To Change How it Budgets?

Last night the Common Council met for 3+ hours at the Pyle Center on campus and had a retreat on how it budgets and the comprehensive planning process coming up. Here's what they had to say about the budget and their priorities.

Two More Demolitions & A New Preservation Planner

You know, none of these have been too controversial and they seem to be growing day by day . . . interesting, eh? Oh, and old news about the new preservation planner.

Ridiculous City Week Ahead

I can only tell you what they tell us, which is often severely lacking . . .

Soglin, Homelessness, and a better Madison for everyone in 2011

A few months back, Paul Soglin linked to a piece about services for homeless people in Ann Arbor. Paul wrote a few lines after the...

(No link) City Week Ahead

So annoying when the clerks office doesn't have the links to the agendas. If I have time I will hunt down the links, but I"m guessing no time before going to work.