Don’t Change my Government Structure, Change the Small Things First!

Here's 10 things city hall could change that I witnessed in less than 2 hours!  Good grief. I was interested in going to three different meetings yesterday. Government officials and committee members are wondering how to get more people to participate in local government - based on my experiences yesterday, I can name a few.  

Jail Update – Flying By Quickly!

The resolution to double the price of the $76M jail to $150M will be introduced tonight and voted on in three weeks - while 37,200 - 45,000 Dane County residents have no representation on the County Board.

JDS Housing Discussion – Closed Session

Members of the common council are finally going to a have a substantive discussion about affordable housing and its going to be held is closed session!
madison meeting rooms - sitting on window sills

City of Madison Meeting Rooms: No Chairs, Noisy, etc.

City meeting rooms, new and old, are a disastrous place to try to hold a meeting. Having a place to sit and being able to hear seem like basics.
meetings by phone

Madison and Dane County Plans for Government Meetings by Phone

The Common Council will meet on Tuesday and the County Board will meet on Thursday.  They both have plans to pass ordinances allowing them to meet by phone.