That darn tortuous TIF process . . .

Oh, that poor, much maligned, Joe Gromacki, the City of Madison TIF Coordinator . . . he gets it from everyone. And now, it...

Pre-Thanksgiving Round Up

It's a slow week, but somehow, I still found a few things to comment on.WYOU BLUESIf you ever thought about donating to WYOU, now...

Inclusionary Zoning: How many incentives are enough?

The City of Madison adopted an Inclusionary Zoning program a little less than two years ago. The theory behind the program is that the...

The Hype about Neighborhood Conservation Districts

You'd think that the recent proposal for Neighborhood Conservation Districts said that nothing could ever be demolished or built anywhere in the City again,...

County Board Recap

It may have been short, but I'm glad Robin Schmidt and others did what they did. Once again, the most excitement was during...

New Year’s (Slow) Week (Weak?) Round Up

Here's what I got . . . I'd have been tempted to skip it, but it looks like there are still plenty of...

No one?

So, we are being told that can't do an RFP (Request for Proposals) to find someone to develop 9 acres of land on Allied...

Mayor Dave’s Hunger for Power

First it was the Water Utility, then the Transit and Parking Commission during the recent bus fare debate, now the Landmarks Commission. While...

Inclusionary Zoning – Just twisted

One thing I learned from inclusionary zoning is that the development community doesn't all think alike. In fact, often, two people from the same...

East Washington BUILD Committee

A few weeks ago, an email I sent to the East Washington BUILD Committee caused a typical panic and backlash from members of the...


Tonight the the Cottage Grove Plan Commission, will be discussing the impending CVS pharmacy with representatives from CVS showing up to present their...

I lied/Can’t Sleep Extra Round Up

So, I wasn't going to blog today, but . . . I came home last night after being sniffly all day, made...