CC Recap – Bike Lanes on Midvale?

Does Midvale need in street bike lanes?From the council meeting last night.PUBLIC TESTIMONYAbout a dozen speakers came to speak about how they don't want...

A Beautiful Mural on an Ugly Canvas

It seems I have stirred up a bit of a hornet’s nest over on Facebook in a thread about the beautiful mural being painted...

Continued Round Up for this Week

Less regurgitation of things you should know, more attitude! :)BIGOTED FLASHBACKAs my co-worker and friend Megin McDonell says on my Facebook page "hello?...

Allied Drive – What we have here, is a failure to communicate.

Many times government does things *to* people, without asking them what they want, and without listening to those who speak up. Allied Drive...

What’s in a Name?

Depending upon who you talk to, the promise of the future? Or much ado about nothing?Currently, the City of Madison has a Department...

Kozak Properties

Last week, Marc Eisen wrote a piece in the Isthmus on the potential sale of several Kozak properties, the majority of which are on...

Revised TIF policy – will it take 3 years, or more?

Q: How long could it possibly take for the City of Madison to pass revisions to the TIF policy?A: An unbelieveably long...

Who wants to reduce the density and height of the project?

Conventional wisdom says: the neighborhood.My experiences of the last week says: the developer.Yup, twice in one week two major developments in the...

City Committee Resignations

When I first heard about several committee resignations due to being upset with a decision of the Mayor, I thought they were talking...

IZ report is in . . .

Lisa Subeck has already written about the IZ report.My thoughts and more details are here.

Madison Neighborhoods, Inc. – What is it?

With all of the budget talks about if there should be a Westside Planning Council and our annual attack on the funding for the...

I lied/Can’t Sleep Extra Round Up

So, I wasn't going to blog today, but . . . I came home last night after being sniffly all day, made...