A Beautiful Mural on an Ugly Canvas

It seems I have stirred up a bit of a hornet’s nest over on Facebook in a thread about the beautiful mural being painted...

Planning for Porn

Just when I think I've seen everything . . . someone tries something new . . . .Check out this memo from Alder Bruer...

Council Recap – The Rest of the Meeting

Continued . . . .BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS#40 SHERMAN TERRACE WATER MAINSRobert Schniker - support - passes on speakingRichard Meyer - Sherman Terrace was...

Horror of Horrors

“Unfortunately, (the park) is taken over by folks who sit there all day and hang out."Sometimes, smart people, say dumb things. People who...

Edgewater: Plan Commission did not do their Job

So, the neighborhood filed an appeal. When the council and plan commission approved the change to the Waterfront setback ordinance for the Edgewater...

Madison Neighborhoods, Inc. – What is it?

With all of the budget talks about if there should be a Westside Planning Council and our annual attack on the funding for the...

Whole Foods – Makes No Sense

Much has been said about the Whole Foods project by the Cap Times, Wisconsin State Journal and Channel 3 among others . . ....

Citizens Input cut out of Planning and Development Reorganization

First the boards, committees and commissions were cut out of the process . . . and now, public comment will be taken ....

CDBG Commission Takes the High Road

The CDBG commission refused to take a position on the hiring of Bill Clingan for the Economic and Community Development Unit Director. Something...

Dane County Comprehensive Plan

Volume 1 of the Dane County Comprehensive Plan is done and ready for public comment.On July 2nd the Steering Committee unanimously approved and released...

District 2 Updates

2008 has been busy so far . . . here's a few very brief updates about what's going on.MOVING THE CONKLIN HOUSEThis project went...

District 2 Frigid Updates

Here's the run down on the many, many, many things going on in District 2. Moving houses, developments, neighborhood plans, new bars, planning...