City Committee Resignations

When I first heard about several committee resignations due to being upset with a decision of the Mayor, I thought they were talking...

The War Against Neighborhoods

Last night at the Common Council meeting (live-blogged by Kristian at the Isthmus) a group of conservatives (I guess that's what you call them?)...

7 . . . 5 . . . 3 . . .

While some of us continue to argue about if buildings should be 8, 10, 12 or 15 stories on East Washington Avenue, real life...

Keep downtown schools open!

Note: I'm not an expert on school issues by far, and I'm still trying to catch up on all of the issues regarding the...

Save the Trees . . .

I feel like the Lorax.If you can still call these things trees . . .These pictures were all taken within a half block of...

Happy New Year!

Careful what you wish for!

District 2 Updates

2008 has been busy so far . . . here's a few very brief updates about what's going on.MOVING THE CONKLIN HOUSEThis project went...

Madison Neighborhoods, Inc. – What is it?

With all of the budget talks about if there should be a Westside Planning Council and our annual attack on the funding for the...

Whole Foods – Makes No Sense

Much has been said about the Whole Foods project by the Cap Times, Wisconsin State Journal and Channel 3 among others . . ....

IZ report is in . . .

Lisa Subeck has already written about the IZ report.My thoughts and more details are here.

Dane County Comprehensive Plan

Volume 1 of the Dane County Comprehensive Plan is done and ready for public comment.On July 2nd the Steering Committee unanimously approved and released...

Allied Drive – No budget, contradication and a road with little detail.

Q: When is a road not a road?A: When it involves the Allied Drive neighborhood and the Mayor.So, hunting down the details...