Police Behavior & Public Oversight

I thought my Town of Madison incident was odd, but I was watching CBS morning news as I was writing and it and they...

Downtown Residents Concerns – Not Police.

Last night, downtown Alders Verveer, Rummel and myself (Eli Judge was ill) met with the Capitol Neighborhoods group to discuss issues of concern to...

A reason to be afraid this Halloween weekend?

Reading the WSJ is always a scary experience, but this morning, it was particularly scary . . . Mostly, I was surprised by this...

New Year’s Eve Round Up

There were too many items yesterday for me not to do a round up - so here it is . . . COUNTY BOARD...

It’s a stick up!

Police overtime. You have no choice, you have to pay it. It's an annual heist and we pay and pay and...

Misplaced Priorities

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it. P.J. O'ROURKE, Holidays in Hell The Village Board in...

Crime: Is it up? Or down?

Answer is: It depends upon what you look at.Here are some interesting numbers I ran across about the last year . . ....

Full Circle

One of my first posts on this site was in regards to a column written by Chris Rickert. In the column...

Serious Crime or Quality of Life

The Isthmus has reported on how the police a going to crack down on the west side, and included the letter the police department...

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

State of the City: An analysis

A whole lotta pro-business. A dash of police state and anti-progressive. Zero progressive. Here's the old and new initiatives he talked...

Solving "Crime" – Feel Good Ordinances or Real Solutions?

Amen! Paul Soglin said it pretty well - except for the part where he said half the city council is making it hard...