Eight ideas for a snowy day

Apropos of nothing, here are a couple of ideas that could make life better for the less well-off in Madison. It is by no means exhaustive, nor is it meant to be a list that solves all problems. Not everyone is going to like all of them, so it’s worth reminding folks that Brenda is not the only person who blogs here, so don’t go blaming her for these.

Scott Walker was right….

Governor Scott Walker appears to have been correct when he said: "We're Broke and Can't Negotiate." Unfortunately the members of the legislature did...

Homelessness, a start.

Yesterday, Kathleen Falk's Office invited me to attend a press conference on homelessness. It was an opportunity to thank County Board Chair Scott...

Voila! And now the Mayor Agrees to Try to Add 30 Police Officers

That didn't take long. I wonder what the "sacrifice and cuts" are going to be? To: Chief Noble...

Trumka- “It already has!”

I was recently given the opportunity to sit down with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Mr. Trumka was very cordial and positive and had...

Salvation Army – Doesn’t want our money?

Sometimes I think the Salvation Army gets the award for being most ungrateful. Or for being the biggest scammers when it comes to...

Teacher Pay

I wrote a LTE regarding teacher pay last year, and in Lieu of The community wide education meeting, I thought I would bring...

Lost Your Job, Worried About Your Housing?

Here's a meeting you might want to check out!Letter of Invitation“We’re Looking for Work” Town Meeting #3Friday, May 29th, 4:50 to 9:15 PMStoughton High...

Homelessness Up In Madison – Families and Children

Here's some sobering statistics about homeless families and children. I caught the article in the Wisconsin State Journal, and the predictable hateful comments...

This is just silly.

Ok - so I heard about this from 3 or 4 people before it was in the newspaper and its been bugging me, but...

Taxpayer Free Affordable Housing – Defeated.

Q: What if the City could come up with a program that created affordable housing and didn't cost the taxpayer a dime?A: ...

Short Week Monday Morning Round Up

Edgewater free round up . . . CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MIASo, where is our Economic Development Commission, our Economic Development Director and city leadership?...