Low income bus pass program Now Available!

One bus pass per family for $27.50 . . . If you get food stamps and can pick it up during normal working hours....

Assume they are drug dealers . . .

A landlord, a drug sniffing dog and a chief of police walk into a press conference . . . I wish it were the...

Racial Disparities Implementation Team Work

I'd kept half an eye on the Dame County Task Force on Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System, but my interest and hope...

Hey! It’s a Snow Day! Round Up

Eh, I slept in, went to Bizzardoke at the High Noon last night. Now I can't decide if its worth it to get...

Scott Walker was right….

Governor Scott Walker appears to have been correct when he said: "We're Broke and Can't Negotiate." Unfortunately the members of the legislature did...

Two Americas

I'm not a Democrat. I'm a member of the Green Party but . . . it's hard to ignore this. When is...

Monday Morning Round Up

So, it was a very busy week last week and this week looks to be more of the same. Anyways, here's a few...

Watch what you eat . . .

While it is good to "buy local" and support small local businesses, sometimes, it just isn't enough. Sometimes, you need to think about...

Property Tax Exemption Stalemate Continues

So, the meeting planned for noon yesterday in the Mayor's office had to be moved from the Mayor's office to room 260 to accommodate...