Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

Takin’ Sides on Immigration

Blaska announced on Friday he is taking sides. He attempts to define "the other side", so lets take a peak. What side would you choose?

BOOM! Car Action.

Wow, Chief Wray sure listens to Thuy. Is it a reward for helping get 30 new officers, a pay back?

Racial Disparities Implementation Team Work

I'd kept half an eye on the Dame County Task Force on Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System, but my interest and hope...


Yet another issue where I can just recycle my folders full of paper. When this issue came back I was a little...

“Cars First” is not a Progressive Policy Position.

So-called "Progressive" talk show host John “Sly” Sylvester doubled down on the “Cars First” rhetoric last Friday, flipping his rationale from “because we pay...

New Rule

With Apologies to Bill Maher, I thought I would steal his famous segment. New Rule: You can't advocated...

Friday Round Up

Due to the short week, lots of topics left to cover, so little time, so here's a recap of some important, some snarky, items...

CC Recap – Chronic Nuisance Ordinance

The Equal Opportunities Commission was shut out of the original process, promised that they could have their say and asked to report back to...

Who’s Crime is More Important?

As a northside meeting about a specific apartment building nushroomed into a meeting about Northside Crime, similar to the one recently help on the...

Police Department: No Income/Expense Report with YTD Budget to Actuals?

All I want to do is make an informed vote. It should be something that the public expects. However, sometimes, it is...

The Friday Snarkarama

I have about 30 blog topics in my queue that I haven't gotten to, I might not have snarky comments about all of them,...

When does 1.9 = 2.4?

When you are the City of Madison police department. Ok - you asked for it. Several people asked me, "why isn't that on...