Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

CC Recap – Chronic Nuisance Ordinance

The Equal Opportunities Commission was shut out of the original process, promised that they could have their say and asked to report back to...

I’m Sick (and Tired) Round Up

Why do I have a cold this time of the year? This is stupid. Anyways, slept in since I worked til 11:00 last night, so my blogging will be slow this morning.

Is it working?

Recently, Monona Grove Elementary teacher Jeff Knudson was the "star" of an ad for Scott Walker. Mr. Knutson looked directly into the...

Police Department Pushes for More in the Budget

I'm sure its no coincidence that the Mayor's memo and the police department memo came out in the same day, but the police seem to completely ignore the mayor's request for a 6% cut, as usual. Cuz, you know, they're special, they get whatever they want. Which is a compromise of only 20 more officers (instead of 34) and millions more for their training facility cuz they botched the original budget.

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part I)

There was a lot on the agenda, only one issue that was discussed.

Be Careful Who Your “Friends” Are!

I recently attended the Educate to Elevate Conference in Madison, and I was very skeptical going in. While I left the conference just...

Pre-Thanksgiving Round Up

It's a slow week, but somehow, I still found a few things to comment on.WYOU BLUESIf you ever thought about donating to WYOU, now...

Oooops! 1.9 still equals 2.4, but . . . .

The problem with blogging, is sometimes you make a mistake, then do you erase and fix, or do you just note the problem? ...

An agenda for the City

This spring's elections need to be about more than water, trolleys and taxes. Yes, our water needs to be safe to...

Be the Media!

I'm not kidding. You can be the media . . . radio, tv, blog . . . your choice! It kind of sucks to...

New Year’s Eve Round Up

There were too many items yesterday for me not to do a round up - so here it is . . . COUNTY BOARD...

Who is it?

I'm dying of curiosity. Who is it?Who is claiming that because some preliminary numbers from the FBI for a 6 month period...