Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

An agenda for the City

This spring's elections need to be about more than water, trolleys and taxes. Yes, our water needs to be safe to...

The Great Cookie Caper!

I received this email from a local Village resident(thanks for putting me on the mailing list). While I am not surprised that one...

Westside Crackdown – Help or Harm?

In an effort to think more about policing, I've been reading various materials. This one article, has stuck in my mind for various...

Neighborhood Officer Showdown . . . And More

Will Chief Noble Wray listen to the City Council or do his own thing? And if he does, what does that mean?During the...

Why lowering the Curfew Time is a Not Such A Good Idea

Thanks to Tariq Pasha and the Steering Committee of the Dane County Youth Resource Network for the following information and analysis. Could Madison...


Yet another issue where I can just recycle my folders full of paper. When this issue came back I was a little...

How much does one police officer cost?

It depends.The first 18 officers the Mayor added to the budget would start on May 27th and would cost the city $49,500 per officer...

Scam Alert

From the Madison police department: A West Side resident called for police late last month after two men came to her apartment door offering to...

Unbelievably, City Week Ahead, Take III

Yesterday, I was annoyed by the addition of 12 meetings to the weekly agenda, today, there are only three more. Including big news at the Overture and police department input. However, that is a record 15 meetings added. How are people supposed to participate in local government when notices of meetings go out 24 - 48 hours before the meetings start?

A dailypage comment: Is this news?

I had a somewhat odd experience with forum, channel 27, Mike Hanson, the democratic party, the Mitch Henck show and the Vicky McKenna...

Other things in the Downtown Safety Plan

When Captain Mary Schauf reviewed the Downtown Safety Plan with me, I was very pleased. However, you likely didn't hear about the...

I lied/Can’t Sleep Extra Round Up

So, I wasn't going to blog today, but . . . I came home last night after being sniffly all day, made...