Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

Scam Alert

From the Madison police department: A West Side resident called for police late last month after two men came to her apartment door offering to...

Takin’ Sides on Immigration

Blaska announced on Friday he is taking sides. He attempts to define "the other side", so lets take a peak. What side would you choose?

Some Beaches Closed

I don't really know anyone that swims in the lakes, but you might, or your pets might, and any contact could be nasty.

BOOM! Car Action.

Wow, Chief Wray sure listens to Thuy. Is it a reward for helping get 30 new officers, a pay back?

County Board (Brief) Recap

Short and sweet.

Final Immigration Task Force Meeting: Sheriff told “No.” Again.

Two nights in a row the sheriff was told that people want him to change his policy. This time, he was on the committee, and tensions were running high. In case you missed it, Alder Bidar-Sielaff said he was "racist" and "sexist" at the council meeting and now he accuses her of acting inappropriately. Like I said, tense.

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part II)

Questions of Chief Wray and some comments from the council members. And people ask to be added as sponsors.

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part I)

There was a lot on the agenda, only one issue that was discussed.

Breaking: Madison City Council Passes Immigration Resolution

Wow! Unanimous vote for Immigration resolution. Solomon, Sandborn, Clausius, Schumacher and Pham-Remmele absent. Compton co-sponsored even.

Long Weekend Round Up

I have another day off, can't let my vacation build up like it did for years, so I'm trying to use it a little...

Don’t Click On These Facebook Links…

Facebook worm (a virus) in the wild.  Mashable has more more details, but the key part is the fake messages/links that are used to...

New Year’s Eve Round Up

There were too many items yesterday for me not to do a round up - so here it is . . . COUNTY BOARD...