Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

I lied/Can’t Sleep Extra Round Up

So, I wasn't going to blog today, but . . . I came home last night after being sniffly all day, made...

County’s Version of Over Paid (Overtime) Bus Drivers

Only in the case of the county it isn't bus drivers . . . its . . . the sheriffs. Here's...

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

Pre-Thanksgiving Round Up

It's a slow week, but somehow, I still found a few things to comment on.WYOU BLUESIf you ever thought about donating to WYOU, now...

Thursday Round Up

Thursday round up, round two this week. I'm not sure if it is lazy blogging or just still too much to blog about....

Wednesday Round Up

Today is Friday for me, as I get to enjoy another 4 day weekend (Steel Bridge Music Festival in Door County!), then panic when...

The Friday Snarkarama

I have about 30 blog topics in my queue that I haven't gotten to, I might not have snarky comments about all of them,...

Friday Round Up

Due to the short week, lots of topics left to cover, so little time, so here's a recap of some important, some snarky, items...

Last Public Hearing: Racial Disparities & Criminal Justice System

The last hearing is tomorrow night! Your input is needed!Dane County Task Force on Racial DisparitiesMay 27th, 20095-7 pmWarner Park Community Center, 1625...

CC Recap – Chronic Nuisance Ordinance

The Equal Opportunities Commission was shut out of the original process, promised that they could have their say and asked to report back to...

Board of Estimates – Council preview of a few issues

Often, what happens at Board of Estimates is considered to be a preview of what will happen at the Common Council . . ....

Progress for Undocumented workers, Action in Dane County

Earlier this week, there was good news for undocumented workers, and tonight at the county board, there could be more good news!This message was...