Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

Westside Crackdown – Help or Harm?

In an effort to think more about policing, I've been reading various materials. This one article, has stuck in my mind for various...

Some Beaches Closed

I don't really know anyone that swims in the lakes, but you might, or your pets might, and any contact could be nasty.

Progress for Undocumented workers, Action in Dane County

Earlier this week, there was good news for undocumented workers, and tonight at the county board, there could be more good news!This message was...

Are Police Going to Start Ticketing the Homeless for Sleeping?

I wish I had more time to dig into this issue, but here's what I know . . .

Police Department: 18 not enough. Now we need 30.

No joke. The other shoe has dropped.DATE: September 7, 2007TO: Dave Cieslewicz, MayorFROM: Noble Wray, Chief of...

Scratchiti has it all . . . .

Rarely, have I seen:a) such a colossal brazen attempt to get media attentionb) over a "feel-good",c) "solution-in-search-of-a-problem" ordinanced) that has "unintended consequences",e) has "no...

How much does one police officer cost?

It depends.The first 18 officers the Mayor added to the budget would start on May 27th and would cost the city $49,500 per officer...

Board of Estimates – Council preview of a few issues

Often, what happens at Board of Estimates is considered to be a preview of what will happen at the Common Council . . ....

Voila! And now the Mayor Agrees to Try to Add 30 Police Officers

That didn't take long. I wonder what the "sacrifice and cuts" are going to be? To: Chief Noble...

Crime: Is it up? Or down?

Answer is: It depends upon what you look at.Here are some interesting numbers I ran across about the last year . . ....

Manufactured News

It's not just the WSJ that makes things up. With the WSJ, they can't seem to get basic facts straight. Other times,...

Scam Alert

From the Madison police department: A West Side resident called for police late last month after two men came to her apartment door offering to...