Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

Police Department Pushes for More in the Budget

I'm sure its no coincidence that the Mayor's memo and the police department memo came out in the same day, but the police seem to completely ignore the mayor's request for a 6% cut, as usual. Cuz, you know, they're special, they get whatever they want. Which is a compromise of only 20 more officers (instead of 34) and millions more for their training facility cuz they botched the original budget.

New Rule

With Apologies to Bill Maher, I thought I would steal his famous segment. New Rule: You can't advocated...

The Great Cookie Caper!

I received this email from a local Village resident(thanks for putting me on the mailing list). While I am not surprised that one...

Crime: Is it up? Or down?

Answer is: It depends upon what you look at.Here are some interesting numbers I ran across about the last year . . ....

New Year’s Eve Round Up

There were too many items yesterday for me not to do a round up - so here it is . . . COUNTY BOARD...

Maybe Republicans Will Come Round on Global Warming Now?

The record-setting heat we have been experiencing this week may actually help convince Republicans to change their stance on global warming. It is not...

Scratchiti has it all . . . .

Rarely, have I seen:a) such a colossal brazen attempt to get media attentionb) over a "feel-good",c) "solution-in-search-of-a-problem" ordinanced) that has "unintended consequences",e) has "no...

TRC: Iron Chef Battle Is On!

14 chefs are furiously cooking at home right now, preparing tasty treats just for you tonight!!!

Why lowering the Curfew Time is a Not Such A Good Idea

Thanks to Tariq Pasha and the Steering Committee of the Dane County Youth Resource Network for the following information and analysis. Could Madison...

Campaign Registration Deadline Day Round Up

By 5:00 today, we'll have the final list of spring candidates for County Executive, Mayor, Alders, School Board and some judgeships.

A Drug(store) Problem in Cottage Grove…

The Cottage Grove Planning Commission recently approved the plans for the new CVs/caremark in Cottage Grove, "with almost no debate." ...

The "Problem" with the Homeless

Has war been declared on the homeless? Should we fence off our parks, prevent people from getting food from food pantries and prevent...