Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

Oooops! 1.9 still equals 2.4, but . . . .

The problem with blogging, is sometimes you make a mistake, then do you erase and fix, or do you just note the problem? ...

When does 1.9 = 2.4?

When you are the City of Madison police department. Ok - you asked for it. Several people asked me, "why isn't that on...

The Cost of 30 Police Officers.

At the last council meeting, we stopped crime in Madison. Well, not really. We passed two ordinances, one that would stop new...

Serious Crime or Quality of Life

The Isthmus has reported on how the police a going to crack down on the west side, and included the letter the police department...

Police Department: No Income/Expense Report with YTD Budget to Actuals?

All I want to do is make an informed vote. It should be something that the public expects. However, sometimes, it is...

A Different Way to Look at Things

So, the police department didn't have to cut 3% like all the other departments and now they have over nearly $3M in supplemental requests...

The Mayor and Police Department exempt?

Every year the Clerk's office sends out an email reminding committee staff not to schedule meetings on certain dates. The memo states as...

Voila! And now the Mayor Agrees to Try to Add 30 Police Officers

That didn't take long. I wonder what the "sacrifice and cuts" are going to be? To: Chief Noble...

Police Department: 18 not enough. Now we need 30.

No joke. The other shoe has dropped.DATE: September 7, 2007TO: Dave Cieslewicz, MayorFROM: Noble Wray, Chief of...

Policing Discussion

If you have time, take some time to read the policing thread over at It's clearly one of the most interesting threads...

Just the Facts Ma’am! Westside Police Calls Going . . . Down?

Could it be true, are reported (and responded to) police calls on the Westside of Madison down? Granted, data from the police department...

It’s a stick up!

Police overtime. You have no choice, you have to pay it. It's an annual heist and we pay and pay and...