Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

A Different Way to Look at Things

So, the police department didn't have to cut 3% like all the other departments and now they have over nearly $3M in supplemental requests...

The Politics of Policing

So, 600 people on the Westside want more police services. Maybe. I'm not sure what they want. The angry emails...

Police Department Pushes for More in the Budget

I'm sure its no coincidence that the Mayor's memo and the police department memo came out in the same day, but the police seem to completely ignore the mayor's request for a 6% cut, as usual. Cuz, you know, they're special, they get whatever they want. Which is a compromise of only 20 more officers (instead of 34) and millions more for their training facility cuz they botched the original budget.

I didn’t see that in the Halloween Budget!

Plasma screen tvs for the police department?Where was that in the budget?Watching channel 3 this morning I learned that the police department has a...

State of the City: An analysis

A whole lotta pro-business. A dash of police state and anti-progressive. Zero progressive. Here's the old and new initiatives he talked...

Some Beaches Closed

I don't really know anyone that swims in the lakes, but you might, or your pets might, and any contact could be nasty.

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

How you can make a HUGE difference!

I saw it posted on a few different blogs, people asking the author (how can I make a difference?). h/t Jessica Ace...

Neighborhood Officer Showdown . . . And More

Will Chief Noble Wray listen to the City Council or do his own thing? And if he does, what does that mean?During the...

Westside Crackdown – Help or Harm?

In an effort to think more about policing, I've been reading various materials. This one article, has stuck in my mind for various...

The "Problem" with the Homeless

Has war been declared on the homeless? Should we fence off our parks, prevent people from getting food from food pantries and prevent...

Police Department: 18 not enough. Now we need 30.

No joke. The other shoe has dropped.DATE: September 7, 2007TO: Dave Cieslewicz, MayorFROM: Noble Wray, Chief of...