Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

Halloween: By the numbers

Congratulations! This year, the State St. Halloween celebration seems to have ended successfully! "Riots" at 1:43 am didn't need to end in...

A Different Way to Look at Things

So, the police department didn't have to cut 3% like all the other departments and now they have over nearly $3M in supplemental requests...

Crime Snapshot

These two graphs from the Madison Police Department speak volumes about the reality of crime rates in Madison.Population Growth in the City of MadisonNumber...

Breaking: Madison City Council Passes Immigration Resolution

Wow! Unanimous vote for Immigration resolution. Solomon, Sandborn, Clausius, Schumacher and Pham-Remmele absent. Compton co-sponsored even.

How much does one police officer cost?

It depends.The first 18 officers the Mayor added to the budget would start on May 27th and would cost the city $49,500 per officer...

Who’s Crime is More Important?

As a northside meeting about a specific apartment building nushroomed into a meeting about Northside Crime, similar to the one recently help on the...

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part II)

Questions of Chief Wray and some comments from the council members. And people ask to be added as sponsors.

When does 1.9 = 2.4?

When you are the City of Madison police department. Ok - you asked for it. Several people asked me, "why isn't that on...

It’s a stick up!

Police overtime. You have no choice, you have to pay it. It's an annual heist and we pay and pay and...

Takin’ Sides on Immigration

Blaska announced on Friday he is taking sides. He attempts to define "the other side", so lets take a peak. What side would you choose?

County’s Version of Over Paid (Overtime) Bus Drivers

Only in the case of the county it isn't bus drivers . . . its . . . the sheriffs. Here's...

Police Department: No Income/Expense Report with YTD Budget to Actuals?

All I want to do is make an informed vote. It should be something that the public expects. However, sometimes, it is...