Public Safety

Topics related to public safety.

When does 1.9 = 2.4?

When you are the City of Madison police department. Ok - you asked for it. Several people asked me, "why isn't that on...

Final Immigration Task Force Meeting: Sheriff told “No.” Again.

Two nights in a row the sheriff was told that people want him to change his policy. This time, he was on the committee, and tensions were running high. In case you missed it, Alder Bidar-Sielaff said he was "racist" and "sexist" at the council meeting and now he accuses her of acting inappropriately. Like I said, tense.

Just the Facts Ma’am! Westside Police Calls Going . . . Down?

Could it be true, are reported (and responded to) police calls on the Westside of Madison down? Granted, data from the police department...

BOOM! Car Action.

Wow, Chief Wray sure listens to Thuy. Is it a reward for helping get 30 new officers, a pay back?

Council Recap – Curfew (#102)

They really should have moved this item up on the agenda. They didn't get to it until after 10:00 . . . and...

Alleged Gang Members Denied Due Process

This is an awful policing tactic, why bother with evidence and probable cause and all those pesky rights and due process afforded people in our criminal justice system if you can just accuse them of something they have not done yet and get them deported without letting them have an opportunity to defend themselves . . . and this time, its not the Sheriff, its the Madison Police Department . . .