Weather and Streets Update

Yesterday was a bad day to have your furnace go out. Sorry to state the obvious, but luckily for me, $180, some...

Tonight:: Move your Car or Be TOWED!!!

So, they're threatening to use their emergency powers and tow cars tonight. Here's the update from Streets Superintendent Al Schumacher and the Notice...

Canceled! (Updated!)

In case there was any doubt . . . .Madison Metro (buses) is closing down at 7:00.Also now updated: Due to deteriorating weather...

Snow: Pictures speak better than words.

You tired of the snow? I am. Or more accurately, I'm tired of the complaints about the snow. Some of the...

What didn’t make it in the budget requests . . .

The list is long . . . I've posted 56 requests from most departments here and the 30 police and fire requests here.The long...

Garbage Cart Info

Here's the info you need for the new garbage collection (the tan carts) service that begins on Monday. (Giggle, I still don't have...

Snow Emergency: In Case it isn’t Obvious

Park on the EVEN side tonight!!From City Staff:The City of Madison has declared a snow emergency. That means that alternate side parking ...

End? of the Week Round Up

This may be my last post for the week. I have the rest of the week off . . . but then again...

What is the City Changing in their Approach to Snow?

Here's the unedited version of the recommendations that were discussed at and the notes from the final meeting of the snow committee with [bk comments.].

Snow, what else?

On a day like today, how could you talk about anything but snow? After yesterday, I'm sure just about everyone has a story....

Monday Morning Round Up

So, it was a very busy week last week and this week looks to be more of the same. Anyways, here's a few...

Snow, the City, snow and more snow.

They're still working on it . . . Here's what you need to/might want to know.The City of Madison includes750 miles of streets1700 total...