Home Spring Elections 2010

Spring Elections 2010

I did it – did you?

I recently asked people to check with their local politicians, on how they feel about Governor Walkers "budget repair" bill. I sent...

Will the Voter ID bill be in effect in every ward?

The Wisconsin Assembly passed the "Keep Democrats From Voting in Wisconsin" bill in a 60-35 vote (all republicans and inexplicably 2 democrats) voted...

Saving Privatized Ryan (brothers)

The Village of Cottage Grove is at it again. They seem to be working very hard to lower the quality of life for...

Sundays Community Meeting

Hope to see everyone Sunday, March 27, 3-4:30 Monona Grove High School Commons 4400 Monona Drive, Monona How did we get here? What do we anticipate with the...

Simpson’s Soliloquy on Words of Reason

This weeks Herald Independent, the paper of record for the Monona Grove School District, had an interesting column from their latest Cottage Grove...

Trumka- “It already has!”

I was recently given the opportunity to sit down with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Mr. Trumka was very cordial and positive and had...


The talks between the Town of Cottage Grove and the Village of Cottage Grove have been continually advancing (as has the cost to the...

What Did You Do On Summer Vacation?

While I worked, we were able to get away for a family vacation in Hayward, WI. Monona Grove School District teacher Brent Schacht...

Stop Piling on….

I know Chris Rickert, is fairly new to the Wisconsin State Journal, but I usually really like his columns. Today however, his...

Republican Bully’s

H/T to Jay Bullock for catching this. Last week UW-Madison's own professor of history, geography and environmental studies penned this op-ed in the NY...

Scott Walker was right….

Governor Scott Walker appears to have been correct when he said: "We're Broke and Can't Negotiate." Unfortunately the members of the legislature did...

Short Week Monday Morning Round Up

Edgewater free round up . . . CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MIASo, where is our Economic Development Commission, our Economic Development Director and city leadership?...