EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

How you can make a HUGE difference!

I saw it posted on a few different blogs, people asking the author (how can I make a difference?). h/t Jessica Ace...

Hey! It’s a Snow Day! Round Up

Eh, I slept in, went to Bizzardoke at the High Noon last night. Now I can't decide if its worth it to get...

Are you kidding?

The members of the Dane County School Board Consortium and WAES (Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools) have gotten together to sponsor a public meeting...

Let’s get them on the record!

Governor Walker came out last week with a union busting bill - Lots more information here. A couple of things have been overlooked...

Cottage Grove Village elections (redux)

I wrote about this in detail here, but i recently came across a letter I wrote to the village board prior to the 19...

Teacher Pay – Part 2 – Solutions!

I have been accused of just complaining and offering up no solutions. Since I offered up we need to pay teachers what they...

Its not about anger…its about hope.

Scott Walker recall   H/t to Harris Lemberg I wonder if any other politician in history has been on both sides of a recall? At least...

More (Complete) Information on Who is (is not yet) Running for County Board

So, Matt DeFour from the State Journal asked the politicians if they were running, and got one answer. Those of us who have...