Home The City Week Ahead

The City Week Ahead

It’s Baaaacccckkk . . . Edgewater City Week Ahead

Target for council to vote on the Edgewater is now April 20th, that sounds reasonable, but there still isn't a new TIF application. ...

The Week Ahead, Take II

Yesterday, the City added a record 10 meetings to the weekly schedule, giving little functional notice to the public. Here's the meetings that were added and what might be of interest and you might want to change your plans for today or tomorrow.

The Not Much Happening City and County Week Ahead

At the moment, I got, well, not much . . . you take a look . . . CITYThe city only has meetings on...

The (This Doesn’t Look Right) Week Ahead

I suspect, there are some things missing here . . . I'll try to remember to update it.Monday, January 4, 2010This is the...

City Week Ahead

Here we go again, here's what I think might be of interest this week.Monday, March 22, 20104:30 PM BOARD OF ESTIMATES ROOM...

City and County Week Ahead

Well, its feast or famine. Not much this week. Good thing I'm wasting more of the years of vacation I accumulated ....

The Sure to Be Incomplete (City) Week Ahead – With Craptacular Agenda after Agenda

It's a shorter week because its got a "5th" . . . but I'd also check back Tuesday or around noon or so...

Only 7 Meetings City Week Ahead

7 Meetings total this week, at least that is all that is listed. It's a 5th Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, so we get...

The Meeting for Everyone (City) Week Ahead

Currently, there are 46! meetings scheduled for next week, and I'm sure more will pop up . . . that is an unusually high...

Return from Spring Break (City ) Week Ahead

Now that everyone has enjoyed their spring break, taken their furlough days and some have celebrated their holidays, back to work. This agenda...

Brenda’s On Vacation (City) Week Ahead

You're on your own . . . kinda . . . I'll maybe be back on Thursday night for the Council meeting on Edgewater...

September Soon Gone, Week Ahead . . . City and County

Not alot going on this week . . . but there's a few things of interest.Monday, September 28, 20094:30 PM COMMITTEE ON THE...