Home The City Week Ahead

The City Week Ahead

The City Week Ahead

Here's the items they want the public to know about . . . and then later this week other items will be added. I don't know why there isn't a rule that it has to be posted prior to Friday at noon, but it seems like there should be.

The It’s All About the City Budget Week Ahead

Budget, Budget, Budget . . . and a few other things. We'll see what else gets added this week?Monday, November 9, 20094:30 PM...

City and County Week Ahead

Well, its feast or famine. Not much this week. Good thing I'm wasting more of the years of vacation I accumulated ....

The Mike Verveer is at Mardi Gras (City) Week Ahead!

Hey Mister, Toss me some beads! :) Sorry, I couldn't resist. 24! meetings so far for next week!Monday, February 15, 20108:00...

Edgewater Lite (City) Week Ahead

A little less Edgewater than we originally thought we'd have to deal with because they have a new project . . . I'm interested...

The Sure to Be Incomplete (City) Week Ahead – With Craptacular Agenda after Agenda

It's a shorter week because its got a "5th" . . . but I'd also check back Tuesday or around noon or so...

Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration (City) Week Ahead

Here it is . . . Monday, January 18, 2010No city meetings, but Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Events a plenty . . ....

The "Do Over" (City) Week Ahead With All Kinds of Decisions by a "Handful...

Lets try this again, this time, without the blizzard. Here's the items of note. Full schedule here.Monday, December 14, 20098:00 AM ...

Brenda’s On Vacation (City) Week Ahead

You're on your own . . . kinda . . . I'll maybe be back on Thursday night for the Council meeting on Edgewater...

August Begins Week Ahead

I know its August but . . . this weekly schedule looks like maybe some more things might show up later this week. ...

The County Week Ahead . . .

I have more faith that this one will be more accurate . . . but I'll try to double check and update it as...

City And County Meeting Week Ahead

One each . . . . Another short week, few meetings.CITYMonday, December 28, 20095:10 PM ADA TRANSIT SUBCOMMITTEE TO THE TRANSIT AND PARKING...