Home The County Week Ahead

The County Week Ahead

The County Week Ahead

Here's what I could tell was of interest. It's harder to predict with the county because they don't attach the materials they way...

September Soon Gone, Week Ahead . . . City and County

Not alot going on this week . . . but there's a few things of interest.Monday, September 28, 20094:30 PM COMMITTEE ON THE...

County 12 meeting week ahead

At least they have a board meeting, but still, not much here either. And, they have a furlough day on Friday.MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2010No...

The (County) Week Ahead

Lots of meetings, all listed here, agendas here, only a few items that appeared to be of interest.MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2009Lots of mmeetings, but...

Partial County Week Ahead

The weekly schedule wasn't up in it's usual format here, so here's a start from here until the rest other format is up.MONDAY, MARCH...

The Week Ahead – City and County

Budget time of the year . . . .I added in some county meetings. It's much harder to predict as they just have...

Full County Week Ahead

Ok - do over, here it is, now that the info is on-line in a more blogger friendly format.MONDAY, MARCH 15, 20105:30 p.m. PERSONNEL...

City And County Meeting Week Ahead

One each . . . . Another short week, few meetings.CITYMonday, December 28, 20095:10 PM ADA TRANSIT SUBCOMMITTEE TO THE TRANSIT AND PARKING...

The (County) Week Ahead

So far, I think I'm guessing relatively well what is going on here . . . certainly not as transparent as the city ....

The County Week Ahead

Here's my shot at it, with little information easily accessible to guide me . . .

Dane County Week Ahead

Here you go . . . items of interest at the County . . .And here's the code to read the locations:AEC = Alliant...

County Week Ahead

Here's my best guess, without attachments and materials for the agenda, its a little harder to know for sure.MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 201012:15 p.m. SOUTH...