The (County) Week Ahead

Without the budget, things slow back down, but still some items of note . . . and several missing agendas?? Full weekly...

City and County Week Ahead

Well, its feast or famine. Not much this week. Good thing I'm wasting more of the years of vacation I accumulated ....

The (County) Pass the Budget Week Ahead

The City passed their budget, now its the county's turn! They only have 24 meetings this week, much more manageable than the city's...

The County Board Week Ahead – Almost Done with the Budget

Final recommendations for the budget . . . and a few other things . . . Monday, November 09, 200912:15 PM South Central Library...

The RTA and Budget (County) Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget and a little thing called the RTA.Key to Abbreviations for Meeting LocationsAEC = Alliant Energy Cntr, Rimrock Road MMB = Mad....

Dane County Week Ahead

Here you go . . . items of interest at the County . . .And here's the code to read the locations:AEC = Alliant...

The (County) Week Ahead

So far, I think I'm guessing relatively well what is going on here . . . certainly not as transparent as the city ....

September Soon Gone, Week Ahead . . . City and County

Not alot going on this week . . . but there's a few things of interest.Monday, September 28, 20094:30 PM COMMITTEE ON THE...

The Week Ahead – City and County

Budget time of the year . . . .I added in some county meetings. It's much harder to predict as they just have...

It’s September! Week Ahead

The first week of the month is always very busy, this week is no exception.Monday, August 31, 20094:00 PM HOUSING DIVERSITY PLANNING AD...