Brenda’s On Vacation (County) Week Ahead

Well, the agenda is not up and I'm leaving in a few hours . . .so you are on your own. The schedule...

Dane County Week Ahead

Here you go . . . items of interest at the County . . .And here's the code to read the locations:AEC = Alliant...

The County Week Ahead

Here's the county week ahead . . . For those wondering, their weekly schedules are here, their agendas are here. Items...

(Day Late, Also Light) County Board Week Ahead

Here it is, a little late. Sorry its late, I had other things to do yesterday.MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2010There was nothing of great...

The (County) Week Ahead

So far, I think I'm guessing relatively well what is going on here . . . certainly not as transparent as the city ....

The County Week Ahead

Here's my shot at it, with little information easily accessible to guide me . . .

The County Board Week Ahead – Almost Done with the Budget

Final recommendations for the budget . . . and a few other things . . . Monday, November 09, 200912:15 PM South Central Library...

Dane County Week Ahead

Here's what I could figure out from the limited info they provide . . . My suggestion for an easy fix, instead...

Full County Week Ahead

Ok - do over, here it is, now that the info is on-line in a more blogger friendly format.MONDAY, MARCH 15, 20105:30 p.m. PERSONNEL...

Friday Furlough (County) Week Ahead

Yup, no meetings on Friday . . . think anyone will notice? The full schedule is here, the agendas are here.MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22,...