Why Teachers Need a Union – Part 2

I posted before some examples why teachers need a union. From Idaho we get another case study! A high school science teacher in Idaho is...

Casey Hoff knows what motivates Brenda Konkel?

So, Casey Hoff seems to believe he has the secret key to determine what motivates me. How scary is that! I can't stand listening...

Reporting in absentia

Every once in a while, a temptation comes along . . . it's 9:00 at night (or later) and a reporter calls to find...

The Facebook Dilemma

A blog post, an editorial, a facebook status, another blog, another facebook status update, and now another blog post . . . and...

Is the Business Community Taking Over the Council?

As co-chair of Progressive Dane, during election season I'm often asked if Progressive Dane is going to take over the City Council. In...

A little more Round Up

There's a little bit out there to comment on . . . EDGEWATER TOURI considered going, but didn't feel like listening to another sales...

Dizzy from the Spin . . .Paul Soglin, WSJ and tdp

A few comments about experiences with Paul Soglin, the Wisconsin State Journal and Jason Joyce at thedailypage.com - all in one day. Sometimes,...