The Rest of the Week Ahead
I attempted to take 7 days off of work. Ended up cancelling 4 days of vacation and since I spent the first two...
The Week Ahead: April 7, 2008
After such a nice weekend, it seems so cruel to have to go back to work . . . but there is lots of...
The Week Ahead: July 30 – Aug 4 – Take Two!
Ah, that's better, a whole bunch of meetings I had in my calendar finally popped up on the Weekly Schedule. So, try again....
The (County) Week Ahead
Lots of meetings, all listed here, agendas here, only a few items that appeared to be of interest.MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2009Lots of mmeetings, but...
The Week Ahead
Seems to be a short week! And its all about the budget!Monday, July 28, 20084:30 PM BOARD OF ESTIMATES ROOM 260...
The Sure to Be Incomplete (City) Week Ahead – With Craptacular Agenda after Agenda
It's a shorter week because its got a "5th" . . . but I'd also check back Tuesday or around noon or so...
County Week Ahead
16 meetings, 4 cancelled, meetings at inaccessible times like 2:30, 3:45, 7am, 8:15am, 9am and 3 pm. Routine week, initial borrowing resolution includes $20M...
Another Snooze Week Ahead.
Second verse, same as the first . . . not a single meeting scheduled for this week.
The "What Not To Do" Week Ahead
Well, this week is kind of discouraging, its a great example of what not to do (list at the end of the post)!Monday, June...
The Week Ahead: February 18, 2008
This is the weekly schedule at the moment, somehow, I'm guessing, that once again, its going to change. Monday, February 18, 20084:00 PM ...
The Light Week Ahead
I slept in, sorry its late . . . it's a short week, no meetings on Friday, so I'm stretching a bit here.Tuesday, May...
The Stormy Start to the Week Ahead
Here it is . . . meetings I think are interesting as of Monday morning, but you never know what they might add or...