The May 12th Week Ahead

Here we go again . . . Last week was jam packed, this week is a little lighter. While there are lots...

The Housing, Housing, Housing Week Ahead

So many meetings, no more affordable housing, in fact, less . . . Well, guess what, I couldn't get Legistar to work this...

The Meeting for Everyone (City) Week Ahead

Currently, there are 46! meetings scheduled for next week, and I'm sure more will pop up . . . that is an unusually high...

Monday that was & the rest of the Week Ahead

I took the weekend off and tried to take yesterday off, but had to go to Board of Estimates, Landmarks and Plan Commission. ...

The Double Scheduled Week Ahead!

Here ya go . . . all things I think are exciting in the week ahead. Well, actually, not everything, only...

September Soon Gone, Week Ahead . . . City and County

Not alot going on this week . . . but there's a few things of interest.Monday, September 28, 20094:30 PM COMMITTEE ON THE...

The New Council Week Ahead

Many people have asked me what is going to happen with my blog - because it is the only way that they know what...

The (City) Week Ahead – Budget! and more . . .

Last week, I missed two meetings I would have gone to, because I didn't check back for all the changes. One of them...

The You’re On Your Own Week Ahead

I'm on vacation all next week, so I won't be blogging and I won't we there to tell you what happens at the Council...

The County Week Ahead

Here's what I could tell was of interest. It's harder to predict with the county because they don't attach the materials they way...

Another Busy Week Ahead – Especially for District 2

Another busy week (3 days!) ahead . . . lots going on for people interested in District 2 issues*.MONDAYBoard of Estimates 4:30 in...

The Light Week Ahead

I slept in, sorry its late . . . it's a short week, no meetings on Friday, so I'm stretching a bit here.Tuesday, May...