Canceled! (Updated!)

In case there was any doubt . . . .Madison Metro (buses) is closing down at 7:00.Also now updated: Due to deteriorating weather...

The Double Scheduled Week Ahead!

Here ya go . . . all things I think are exciting in the week ahead. Well, actually, not everything, only...

Picks of the Week – City Meetings 7/17/06

More questions than info this week . . . .Monday, July 171. With the big controversy over Halloween coming up, why doesn't the...

The Week Ahead

Well, this is a little messed up this week, but here is what I've got.Monday, April 21, 20084:00 PM TAX INCREMENTAL FINANCING POLICY...

The (County) Week Ahead

So far, I think I'm guessing relatively well what is going on here . . . certainly not as transparent as the city ....

The (City) Week Ahead

Back to the rat race . . . Monday, November 30, 200911:30 AM TIF REVIEW BOARD ROOM 313 MMB- Considering using the...

The You’re On Your Own Week Ahead

I'm on vacation all next week, so I won't be blogging and I won't we there to tell you what happens at the Council...

The Housing, Housing, Housing Week Ahead

So many meetings, no more affordable housing, in fact, less . . . Well, guess what, I couldn't get Legistar to work this...

The (County) Week Ahead

Without the budget, things slow back down, but still some items of note . . . and several missing agendas?? Full weekly...

The Cinco de Mayo Week Ahead

Here's this week's exercise in trying to be in more than one place at once. These are the meetings I'm interested in, the...

The snowy week ahead . . . .

Snow, bus fares and sustainability and the new zoning code seem to be the hot topics this week . . . along with a...

The "5th" Day Week Ahead

Meetings I think could be interesting this week . . . a low standard I know, but here's my items of interest. Of...