Cracking the Conservative Transportation Frame

With a promised audit of WISDOT in the works, now is a good time to reflect on how conservatives on Wisconsin’s joint audit committee...

Slow News Week Thursday

The slow news week continues, so I have to make my own . . . luckily I have some material you won't be reading...

Regional Mass Transit in Action

Portage to Madison . . . started June 1.As of June 1, 2009 there is a shuttle once a day from Portage to theNorth...

Transportation Budget up for Vote on Friday…

Late Update: Most transportation issues have been pushed off until next week.  JFC ended up passing a motion with reduced cuts to the Stewardship...

“Cars First” is not a Progressive Policy Position.

So-called "Progressive" talk show host John “Sly” Sylvester doubled down on the “Cars First” rhetoric last Friday, flipping his rationale from “because we pay...

Maybe Republicans Will Come Round on Global Warming Now?

The record-setting heat we have been experiencing this week may actually help convince Republicans to change their stance on global warming. It is not...

Complain About Alternative Transportation on Leap Day!

With this being a leap-year, and the great day fast approaching, I hereby declare February 29th as "Complain about alternative transportation day."   So how about...

Extension of Capital City Trail

Capital City Trail extension hearing . . . Dane County Land and Water Resources Department to Host Public Information Meeting for Phase One Lower...

$25 State Bike Fee Possible

A followup question from Rep. Nygren to the DOT about raising fees on bicyclists has been answered in a recent Legislative Fiscal Bureau Paper...

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...